The author does not suggest that all working women quit their job and be a full-time housewife. Such suggestion is hugely impractical and can be disastrous to many families in Malaysia, at least at this point in time. It may also have a significant negative impact to the socio-economic situation in the country.
Much of the issues related to the work-life balance can be pointed to the ideology embraced by many Malaysians today, irrespect of their religion. Ideology may be a big word here, however the author believes that the main root cause of the problem is due to the fact that many have embraced materialism, consciously or not. Obviously, this is not unique to Malaysia.
So what does it mean to embrace materialism*?
(Without going through any textbook definition on materialism) Material posession seems to be at the centre of everyone's attention - be it a good house or a new car. Over time, many are entangled in such situation as their financial commitments increase, for example, upgrade to a better house, or purchase of a new car. There are also additional costs associated with increased family members, healthcare and medical costs and increased expenditure for their child's education**. In the city, a typical tenure for housing loan is between 20 to 30 years. And this unfortunately takes significant part of their working life***. The cost of a new car in Malaysia is among the highest in Southeast Asia (reference required) and the loan tenure mostly lasts between five to nine years .
Many tend to follow this trend albeit unconciously, and therefore their life is centred towards maintaining this lifestyle. To some this means that a double-income is required and therefore both the husband and wife have to work for a long time through their life. Therefore, most people in the capital, men or women are caught in the rat race.
Rapid development and technological advances provide some explanation to the situation too. Rapid development translate to increased wealth while technological advances - through consumerism that brings mass advertising through the mainstream media - encourage many people to own such things as mobile phone, computer, satellite tv etc. Many now own a credit card, and a significant number have more than one. This certainly doesn't help especially those who are less wise in their spending.
Addressing the issue of ideology and belief should therefore be at the core of any solutions to be proposed and education seems to be the most viable way. This may take a long time, as the ideology is deeply embedded in the society. It is not surprising if it takes a generation or two to fix the problem.
In the mean time, men and women should increase their awareness about priority-setting, and husband and wife should carefully discuss what is really important to them in their life. There should be a concerted and guided effort to increase this awareness, as many may not realised that they could well be on the wrong track, even though the family income may suggest that they are highly successful men and women.
While a permanent solution is found, there should be more agressive move to lobby for a more conducive working environment for working women; such as option for prolonged leave to take care of her baby (without losing the job!), longer maternity leave, proper regulations for childcare provider with sufficient enforcement in place, increased opportunity for women to work from home for some sectors of the economy, increased opportunity for part-time job etc. And such proposals should be implemented sooner rather than later for the benefit of each citizen, and for the continued peace and prosperity of the nation. Without swift actions, the nation may be falling apart in the future, as the family institution, the building blocks of the society, is fast failing.
*It is interesting to note that Madonna was a role model for the Western women as far as work-life balance is concerned (refer previous post). The author can't help but remember that the pop star also sang "Material Girl", a popular song in the 80s. In the lyrics, it was mentioned somewhere that she is a "material girl in a material world". This, to a certain extent, provides a supporting proof that materialsm is indeed the most widespread ideology in the modern world and Madonna or whoever she represents, once a role model for work-life balance for Western women indeed promotes materialism. Consumerism, globalisation and free-trade provide a good vehicle for materialism to conquer the world. It should be noted that materialism is a result of secularism (reference required).
** It is unfortunate that healthcare and medical services and tertiary education are becoming more like a commodity in Malaysia. There are many private clinics and hospitals in Malaysia, and many Malaysians opt for their services for quick and better service at additional cost. Education fees have increased over the years, and many university students have to resort to education loan that comes with interest rate.
***In Malaysia, employees in the goverment work until they are 55 or 56 years old whereas those in the private sector may work until they are approximately 60 or slightly older.
you can write a thesis.
It's high time that flexibility is introduced into our work culture.. part time work, flexi hours, half work day.. that will be welcome by many women (and even men). but are the employers ready?
Mohammad tulis sendiri ke ni..elok dipublish kat anda dah publish ni..?
Psl gaya hidup ni, rasanya kalau pemimpin hidup simple, rakyat pun akan hidup simplela jgk.
Berkaitan kereta pulak, kereta buatan kita very low in quality, kdg2 tu belum habis byr, dah 'sakit jantung'. Kereta dah jadi priority nowadays, so x nak tak kena ganti yg baru, in fact, byran untuk repair jadi mcm byran bulanan plk..
i agree with kak ida
kepimpinan melalui tauladan
sebab org akan tengok pemimpin hidup camne, and then they will follow suit
p/s: MYU, tak boleh komen panjang-panjang, tgh kerja luar office
Dlm kelas fardhu ain smlm, Ustaz kata, Allah tak suka kita hidup terlalu dhaif..cthnya..kereta buruk..nak pi solat Jumaat..mati kat traffic light..kan dah menyusahkan diri sendiri..dan org2 lain kat jln tu..dan Allah juga tak suka kita hidup berlebih2..
Kan tgn yg di atas tu lbh baik dr tgn yg di bwh..
Wallahu a'lam.
YM - ready or not(employer), the power that be should implement what is best for the nation as a whole, not only to corporate sectors that only care about the bottom-line (most). The should be a will power...
IWA...tq..I take that as a compliment ;)
Nida - very true, lead by examples.
Be reminded also that each of us is a leader, esp. men. A father is a leader to his family, a brother is a leader to his siblings.
In current situation where many leaders in Muslim majority-countries are not so good examples, what do we do?
Ever wonder how the Hebrews(Jews) in Egypt led their life during the time of the tyrant Pharaoh?
There's obviously a fundamental need for ever citizen to be able to differentiate between what is required (basic neccesities) and what is not. And this may differ from one to another. Eg. salesman need a good, reliable car to do his job, but a person working in front of the pc all day may not need similar car. A family of 6 need an MPV, a couple without kid can manage with a small car (or even a motorbike!).
IWA2: i never suggested that people should leave in "dhaif" condition. Like YM once said, ukur baju di badan sendiri. If one can afford a good & reliable car, then go for it. But if you can't afford it, don't. We have to live within our means (kemampuan). The unfortunate situation is that many tend to live beyond their means or aspire to have more money so they can afford all the nice things in life. Money is never enough, trust me.! Itukah maksud tulisan IWA?
IWA ni mmain tulih je ggapa hak IWA telitah..tak mmikir 2/3 lapih dah..
Mmg betolla komputasi otak IWA ni bermasalah sikit..
Ni nak tulih lg ni..
Naik motorsikal tu susah jugak..awak bkn besa..IWA ni dok berule gi kerja naik m/sikal dulu2..kalu uje gak..uu..bereti dulu la bbwh jamatte..
Kabare? Tgh sebok ke? Hrp semuanya ok. Bila blh balik?
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