Tuesday 20 May 2008

This is where I belong...

This is the place where I spent most of my time from end January till mid-May 2008. I would normally spend 8 hours here almost non-stop with intermittent breaks to sneak out for a quick breakfast, lunch or tea in a pantry next door. When I entered the place end of January, the view through the window was not as cheerful, the sky was mostly grey. The photo was taken on a Friday afternoon on 16th May when I was testing a lab camera before taking photos of my experimental set-up. The three red objects on the table are lids for kegs which I used to store fresh water and saline solutions for my experiments.

1 comment:

Ibu WA Alim said...

Bakpo semace je nada tu..? Ky tgh nngantuk ni..nanti komen semula..